A JavaScript assembler and simulator for the P3 educational CPU. More Information.
New features, August 2018. Close Information
If you find any issues contact me on GitHub or using Email (see About P3JS).
Add/Remove/Edit assembly instructions here. The 'type' controls the instruction format (and how the operands are translated to binary). Check the documentation on the P3 assembly instruction format for more information.
<name> <opcode> <type>
The P3 is a 16-bit CPU used at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) as a learning tool for Computer Engineering students.
For more information on the P3 CPU check p3doc on GitHub Pages.
The P3JS is an unofficial JavaScript assembler and simulator for the P3 CPU. It runs directly on the browser without any installation.
It also includes a command-line assembler and simulator using Node.js.
This is an open source project, for more information check p3js on GitHub.
Please contact me with any issues or suggestions:
Gonçalo Baltazar
GitHub: goncalomb
Web: goncalomb.com
Email: contact.hahaha@rektgoncalomb.example.com